Who are we?

We are a group of Isle of Lewis residents, Gaels, business owners, parents, surfers and crofters

We feel compelled to speak up and inform the community of the widespread industrialisation our islands are facing.

Please feel free to question and investigate any of the information displayed on this site, but please also remember to do the same for any information provided by developers, or the politicians backing them. 

Our concerns are:

  • a lack of public discussion on these developments;

  • the failure to ascertain the views of the people who are most affected;

  • the visual impact and noise pollution;

  • Environmental - irreversible damage to the seabed, threat to avian and marine mammal life, adverse effects on unique habitats and the ecosystem, RSPB Red & Amber list of birds N4 will affect (gannets, guillemot, puffin, curlews, skylarks, corncrakes etc)’

  •  Lack of a coherent renewable energy policy for these islands from Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, the local authority;

  • Electricity from N4 going elsewhere in the UK whilst the island continues to experience fuel poverty. Barriers to community-owned renewables (due to space on the proposed interconnector being dominated by multi-national owners of the wind farms);

  • Disregard for the natural heritage of our island;

  • Adverse effect on tourism, the local economy and our way of life;

  • that our home can be used so readily by a private company to make profit

We do not feel that naming members or contributors to Eilean mo Ghaoil is helpful or necessary.

Conflicts around wind farms can be extremely divisive and bring up controversial views. We are residents who will, almost certainly, have friends, family, customers or colleagues who hold opposing views. We would like to provide people with the resources to hold informed opinions, without bringing conflict into our personal lives, or attracting personal attacks. 

Our campaign is entirely funded by ourselves through individual contributions.