Click here to download a customisable objection letter.

How to make your views known 

Tha am buidheann ‘Eilean mo Ghaoil’ ag iarraidh an Leòdhas a mhol Bàrd Bharabhais a dhìon.  Ma tha sibhse den aon bheachd feumaidh sibh sgrìobhadh gu na h-ùghdarrasan agus innse dhaibh.

If you feel that your views are not being represented please email or write to:

Annabel Turpie (Head of Marine Scotland):

Zoe Crutchfield (Head of Licensing Operations Team, Marine Scotland):

Gillian Martin (Acting Cab Sec for Net Zero):

Mairi Gougeon (Cab Sec for Rural Affairs, Land Reform & Islands): or

Alasdair Allan (MSP): 

Alasdair Allan (Acting Minister for Climate Change):

Torcuil Crichton (MP):

Kenneth Macleod (Convener): 

Paul F Steele (Council Leader):

The West Side Estate Group (Galson Estate, Barvas Estate, Dalmore Estate, Carloway Estate & Bernera Community Development Trust), Comhairle nan Eilean Siar & Northland Power Inc. have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) relating to Scotwind areas N2 (offshore, north of Ness) and N4 (inshore, West Side).

According to CnES - ‘Although non-statutory in nature, these Memoranda have the potential to influence ScotWind decision makers through demonstration of thoughtful engagement between the local community and developers.’*

The role of the estates

Extracts from the MOU, dated July 2021:

‘The Estate Group has deep roots in each West Side community, undertaking regular engagement with these communities.’ ‘This Memorandum demonstrates to ScotWind decision makers that Northland Power Inc. has engaged thoughtfully with the local community and has sought input from those most affected by ScotWind deployments in Hebridean waters.’*

An unsigned copy of the MOU is publicly available on the Comhairle website. You can download it here.

‘In signing this Memorandum of Understanding, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, the West Side Estate Group and Northland Power attest that thoughtful and deliberate engagement has taken place with the communities of  the West Side of Lewis around the impacts and opportunities of ScotWind’

-Scotwind Areas N2 and N4 Memorandum of Understanding beween Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, the West Side Estate Group and Northland Power Inc. July 2021.