Storm Brews Over Isle of Lewis Offshore Windfarm

Earlier this year Sandra Dick covered the announcement of the huge offshore wind farm and islanders responses in the Scottish Herald.

“A storm is brewing over plans for a towering offshore windfarm just three miles off the west coast of Lewis.

Rich in history and Gaelic culture, with miles of precious peatlands, dancing Northern Lights and dramatic scenery, the Isle of Lewis is renowned as a precious place for nature to thrive.

And for those who choose to live there and visit, there are the rewards of unspoiled beaches, dazzling sunsets and starry skies, with some of the country’s rarest birds and marine wildlife.

But news of a proposed offshore wind farm just three miles off the island’s west coast in waters renowned for their precious sealife, along with onshore substations and miles of underground cable cutting through protected peatland, have left horrified islanders reeling at the price of the green energy revolution.”

Read the full article here.


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